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Why TitanFall Blows Away Call Of Duty: Ghosts (NSFW)

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If you’ve played Titanfall you understand my rage about Call Of Duty if you don’t well you’re a moron.

let’s start with the respawns. first off. in COD you instantly die when you spawn. another reason? CAMPERS! MOTHER FUCKING CAMPERS! that’s all they do. it sucks. the maps are twice the size of other levels in the past of COD games. the detail is totally blah! it’s 2014. what your graphics systems are stuck in 2005? GET WITH THE PROGRAM MOTHER FUCKER! LAST BUT NOT LEAST. NO FUCKING QUICK SCOPPING COCK SUCKING BITCHES! THAT SHIT HAS GOTTA GO!

here is the list why I fucking love Titanfall and thinking of getting an Xboxone just for that game.


1. have never died of a spawn kill.

2. I kick ass in domination.

3. more things to do and funner challenges.

4. graphics are beautiful and breathtaking.

5. the musical compositions are enjoyable. none of that dubstep shit!

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Why TitanFall Blows Away Call Of Duty: Ghosts (NSFW), 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings Ebates Coupons and Cash Back


Hello! I am Gabriel Logan. the host and writer for "THEBLOCKTV™" I hope you enjoy the post as I do writing them.