
The L Word is the most far-fetched bullshit I have ever seen!

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Like everyone sleeps with there friends! 
Shane sleeps with a bunch of different girls then she finally gets in a committed relationship cheats on a girl with another girl then her girlfriend does revenge sex and now they’re getting married. 
Tina was married to bed and then they have a baby together and they are sleeping around with other people and they try to get back to your relationship delete go to the court thing then they go back together and then they break up again and one of them stating a man this show is so fucking stupid and far-fetched the writers of the show did a terrible job I’m so glad it ended with six seasons and Jenny is a complete bitch and psychopath this show is so stupid that bitch has slept with more people than hitler put Jews in an oven like Fucking Christ! 

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Hello! I am Gabriel Logan. the host and writer for "THEBLOCKTV™" I hope you enjoy the post as I do writing them.