
Cool Third Party Hue Apps!

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Now, I am a huge fan of the Phillips Hue lights. they’re awesome! here are some cool third party apps. that strobe,change colors,sync to music. etc…

Hue Disco:

Hue Disco makes your home into a disco party! it syncs with your music.

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IFTTT (If This Than That)

This app. is my number one favorite. you can not only get texts from the Charger game. but, you can set times to when your lights go on and off. you can even set your lights to turn blue when it rains. I have it set so, on Facebook it posts “Happy New” on January 1st.


Hue Go! 


Hue Go! is a very simple app. you can set the lights to do a red alert mode,party setting,God’s Voice (where you can talk into the phone and the lights are white and go bright and dim) and change colors.


Hue Party

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Hue Party is an app. where you can do anything with this. change colors, make the lights flicker like a candle. it’s a very cool app.

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Cool Third Party Hue Apps!, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating Ebates Coupons and Cash Back


Hello! I am Gabriel Logan. the host and writer for "THEBLOCKTV™" I hope you enjoy the post as I do writing them.