
Corporate shutdown trend

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I don’t mind corporations. as long as they give people an honest salary,customer service is top notch and help the community. but a trend that I am seeing far to often with corporations.

for an example Stickam a multi live streaming site designed to hold conversations. from all over the world.  now it’s shut down.

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G4TV which was formally called TECHTV-G4TV even before that it was just TECHTV! but, now since, G4 parted ways with TECHTV they tried to go a little “ballsy” the got owned by Comcast and also did a deal with NBC Universal. I did however, found it strange. that former employee of Directv Neil Tiles. left and came into the video game culture. of G4TV network and things all of a sudden went sour with Direct tv and they pulled the plug on G4TV. then I remember trying to channel surf and they left basic cable. then Charter completely. but, I hate to say “I told you so” but, “I told you so”

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I remember when I had a music site I had a Meembo bar. it was awesome. you could add share buttons. music whatever you wanted and you could host ads on it. I remember TMZ had it and other big websites. but, again another corporation company GOOGLE bought Meebo and shut it down. cause they want to concentrate on “Google +” that’s the thing! if you have to concentrate on one thing. why the hell would buy a company that everyone loves and admires. buy it for $1 million dollars. (Dr. Evil reference) and just shut it down? I don’t get it. and my former post of Picnik getting bought out by Google and shutting it down months later. seriously corps. get your act together and stop f#$@ up!

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Hello! I am Gabriel Logan. the host and writer for "THEBLOCKTV™" I hope you enjoy the post as I do writing them.