Melissa Villaseñor is an artist!

Listening to her music. On Apple Music is wonderful. The songs. I really like is “love again” and “this time last year” love again sounds like she’s had her heartbroken. (Im so sorry) and debates if she will find love again and is she good enough to find someone. Im the same age as her. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never been in love and I had sex at 29 to sexual assault. So, you have more of a chance. “This time next year” is just as heartfelt. It’s a about her about love. “Selfish” sounds like her career? The piano playing is amazing! Wow! The riff she does in the song is really amazing. “Dreaming you up” is a pop song that sounds similar to Taylor Swift. (Melissa is a better writer. By far) her album is set to come out late summer.