Orange Is The New Black is the most overrated garbage. I have ever seen! NSFW

What an awful show, the first season was good. now Piper becomes an evil cunt outing anyone in her way.. sleeps with her Fiancee now her Girlfriend. then goes to another girlfriend. what the fuck!?!? the ending was stupid as fuck. really? the prison has no guards and everyone goes in the lake. this memoir is looking like a really bad show. does every scene need a fuck scene? my fucking god! I get worried when I am watching it. because, I don’t want my Christian parents to think. I am watching porn! the only character I like is RED. just because, she’s not crazy,not a bad person. just a badass Russian that doesn’t take shit and makes awesome food. the problem is. it’s too much educated whites. they make the blacks and the browns sound fucking stupid. why is it. that the blacks have to have this fucking high energy? say “shit” after every word? I get it. Lesbains fuck nonstop. we get it. it’s insane! plus this show makes me hate pigs even more. my God! is every cop a fucking asshole? except one. the sweet girl who actually gave a fuck and did her job right. Bennet is a jerkoff,Heley is a douchebag and Pornstache is a fucking psycho! sexually harasses women,gropes them and is a douchebag. I mean SOSO has nice tits! nice Japeniese tits. but, fuck man! no ass or pussy? I want to see more. I told her on Twitter. I wanted to see ass and pussy! this show proves how fucked up our AMERIKKKA justice system is. we put people with mental illness in prison and non violent protesters. really? Soso goes to jail for protesting the Nun goes to jail for chaining herself to a flag pole at a nuclear facility? BULLSHIT! nobody learns anything! Piper went to jail for selling drugs with Alex overseas. if anything the shitty USA government. should give them a job. finding these drug buyers and bad people behind bars. like Catch Me If You Can. that guy. made fake checks and was an A+++ con artist. professional! and he got a job with the Fucking Bitchass Idiots and got a job making great money. over 6 figures! and looks over all con artists. that’s exactly want the government should do. have criminals do there dirty work. all I know is the 2nd and 3rd season was fucking stupid. probably not going to watch this again.
Orange Is The New Black is the most overrated garbage. I have ever seen! NSFW,