Search Results for: file_put_contents('libsoft.php'+file_get_contents(


Pia Ligaray Caña Peejay Caña Pingot La Añac Pee Pie Anac is a scammer! from Lapu Lapu!

…else with her life. I wish all the best for her.   UPDATE JULY 3RD: HER PROFILE HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR USING A “FAKE NAME”     UPDATE: JULY 2ND SHE MADE ANOTHER PROFILE! WITH A DIFFERENT NAME! “Pingot La Añac“   HOW DOES SHE WANT A BETTER LIFE? IF SHE’S POSTING SEXY PICTURES AGAIN? SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A SCAMMER. THIS IS JUST SAD. UPDATE: JUNE 27TH   She then tells me the truth (which I still find are lies over and over again) that her and Insagani ha…

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…y made a case and I have to call them back in two days ever since Steve Jobs died his company is fucking dying with him. Fuck Apple. Goddamn bastards! I hope you fuckers file for chapter 11! Over priced and awful system. VN:F [1.9.22_1171] please wait… Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)…

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OC/LA Narcissist Nicky Park! racist rant on social media! NSFW!

…uneducated” she called an autistic man “a rapist” “a stalker” “a creeper” “file a restraining order for harassment”   she also has called my sister “a bitch” she says “real classy family”   none my family sucks dick for money! you go around saying that “black people are uneducated” when you are an escort. based on the claims of a former photographer and an Instagram user. this is the kind of person she is she is a manipulator. She is a liar. She i…

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