SMILF Dapicts A Slut Mother! (S) is For Slut!

SMILF- Is a show on Showtime that makes this woman look like a huge slut. I do not find this funny whatsoever. How is it funny. Being a slut mother fucking all these guys and having a kid? One scene. Shows her fucking a guy. (Poor guy has a huge crush on her) fucks her in the bed and she covers her son in the bed with them. She’s a fucking slut and horrible mother. The creator Frankie Shaw is naked the entire time. Not sure how autobiographical this comedy so called comedy is. But, it’s fucking sick! The humor is god awful! What kind of mother fucks an 18 year old in the bathroom with their kid sleeping? The character is a fucked up person. With a lot of mental issues. This depicts single mothers as fucking whores. Talk about feminism! Fuck feminism and fuck this show! I can’t believe a second season! #BOYCOTTSMILF