Bird box was a dumb movie

Bird Box is a movie where people kill themselves after seeing a shadow and everyone goes crazy. Some of them force people to open there eyes and harm themselves and harm others. It’s the dumbest idea for a movie. The ending is just as stupid. A school for the blind is the final end to the movie of going down a river for days. While it takes you on a journey of everything that has gone wrong. The one girl lives and everyone else dies. None of characters do nothing for the story! They don’t have any traits they’re all useless. Why couldn’t they have trained professionals? Like have one in karate. One as a cop one as a lawyer or a teacher etc? It’s so stupid and everyone else who is near Malorie dies. Why couldn’t they have them kill the shadow? Like in stranger things? Instead of living in fear with a blindfold? No one can see it either. In stead the ending is a blind school. I would of liked them getting rid of this monster. It stead of wearing blindfolds. It’s the dumbest movie I have ever seen. Netflix needs better ideas.