Dear Writers of The L Word

I wasn’t expecting Shayne to have that kind of voice. Because In The L Word she talks so deep. Also the show went to crap after the second season. I’m sorry fans. But, if it does come back. How about characters that aren’t miserable screwed up people. My god this show started into a soft core porno. Monogamy morality doesn’t exist in this show. At first I’m like “here is Angus a good man that treats Kit so well.” Nope. A lying cheating scumbag like every other person on this show. Shayne’s character is not believable there’s no way a hairstylist with hair like that Kind of person has over 1000 different women she has slept with it’s ridiculous! Can’t wait to finish the last season so, I can make a review of it on my blog. Such a travesty. I’ve seen better male gay shows than the L Word, the writing went to crap after the 2nd season. Characters are unlikable and far fetch scenarios. Please if you can bring this show back. GET NEW WRITERS! ALSO JENNY IS A COMPLETE PSYCHOPATH A Narcissist self-centered annoying biotch. The show isn’t that good it’s the most overrated show I have ever seen. I’m surprised none of these people have aids or some other disease from all the lip locking.
Also, Bette is like the only attractive one on this show.