Spam is on the Rise on Vine

So after some investigating I have found out who is hosting this spammer site. it’s by Hezner a German Hosting website and the domain was bought on Godaddy. I have emailed them about it as there is nothing they can do. So, after some time I found a website called Who Is Hosting This?which can find out who is hosting the website the domain even an IP address. And this Vine I’ve posted shows what I did and how I did it. remember to never follow for these scams and always email the company to be sure it’s legit or not. for an example. Thanks for reading I hope I saved your vine accounts.
UPDATE: as of now. is down! however, the spamming is still there. but at least when people visit the site. they get this.
you’re welcome Vine and Twitter. so can I have my shirt and hat now?
Spam is on the Rise on Vine,