why I hate Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs is a poor excuse for a video game. why didn’t they work on the mechanics before releasing this game? one of the biggest letdown was the driving. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! the driving is awful. I can never be able to swerve to miss cars. at least in GTA they did a fantastic job on driving. I feel I am fighting the joy stick just to move. the shooting is terrible. it takes 14 shots with a shotgun from 10 feet away? are you fucking serious? also, the annoying shit like people hacking you for no reason. people jump in and out of the game without anyones knowledge. not so many people in the game on PS3. the detail of the game is not pretty look at. this game was overhyped to the least of extent. the commercial was so convincing to buy this game. yeah hacking lights,roadblocks and people’s bank accounts is a lot of fun. get’s repetitive. I feel like I am just doing the same thing over and over. the controls need work. maybe a patch could fix things or not. it’s a disappointment.
why I hate Watch Dogs,