Xbox gets an upgrade!

The Xbox360 gets a new upgrade. with more media than you can handle. Bravo,Epix,I Heart Radio,Vevo,Youtube,MLB and much much more. with new apps on the way! here’s even the best part. you can use Bing to search for movies,tv shows,games right on your Xbox. even say it with Kinect. this is a huge step for Microsoft. I personally love the new update. the last thing I have to talk about it. is you can post your achievements on the social vibe. you can even set a beacon. but not the kind like Facebook did back in the day. when people bought something in the ad and then your friends,family and even your wife sees the wedding ring you bought for her. nope! instead. you can set a beacon and tell people you would like to play that game with someone and it will tell others I am playing this game with this person.
Xbox gets an upgrade!,